- Contractor
- IR35 fee payer
IR35 fee payer
As the IR35 fee payer, we have compliantly made thousands of payments to limited companies since April 2017. We have over a decade of experience of sitting in the contract chain between agencies and limited company contractors for clients such as Alexander Mann Solutions, Cielo, and more.
Featured services
100% compliance
Self-bill invoicing (no work for you)
Full contractor support
SMS alerts
Speedy set up
Bespoke, mobile-enabled software
Invoice, remittance, and payment trackers
Nearly 30 years of experience

Keeping your
limited company
If you find your assignment falls within IR35 or is caught by the off-payroll working rules, you may still be able to keep your limited company. You will just need to engage with a fee payer who becomes responsible for ensuring you are paid correctly as well as making the correct PAYE deductions.

How it
If you have secured an assignment via a recruitment agency, they may have quoted you a limited company rate. When engaging with Giant as the fee-payer, the amount paid by the agency to Giant is Giant’s income. To reach the gross taxable rate that is paid to your limited company, there are a number of deductions that need to be made which include; Employer’s National Insurance, Apprenticeship Levy, our margin. The remaining balance is the taxable gross pay, which is subject to PAYE tax and Employee’s National Insurance.

Sign up
It’s simple to start using our fee payer solution, just email hello@giantpay.co.uk and within 24 hours you’ll be in touch with an agent to see if your agency will allow you to engage in this way and take you through onboarding.